Dinosaur footprints - Oklahoma
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By Matys Weiser B-H Before I became more aware of the surrounding world at the age of ten, I was part of the scout movement. Summer vacations were spent at a distant sleepaway camp on the dunes of the Baltic Sea. One of the scout activities involved tracking. Sometime in the middle of the night, our leaders would wake us up, divide us into two groups, and assign one group the task of running away while leaving marks on the path, while the second group had to find those marks and try to catch the first group. On one occasion, I was part of the second group. We began to follow the marks, which were shaped like arrows pointing in the direction the first group had gone. Sometimes the marks were drawn in the dust of the path, and other times they were formed from three sticks or long cones. There was no scientific calculation or deep analysis involved; we instinctively knew that certain configurations on the path were not random, someone had deliberately arranged them. Today, I live in a forested environment, and especially in winter, I can see every morning who has visited my backyard—whether it was deer, foxes, or even a coyote. The marks in the snow are clear. The fact that an animal left them is immediately apparent. Identifying which animal made the mark requires comparing it with our memory of animals and their footprints or some book on the topic. That was a bit of philosophy, and now we will track animals that roamed the Earth some 4,100 years ago—the dinosaurs. Each page of this website begins with a picture of large animals leaving their footprints in the soft ground, which was later covered by another layer of sediment and solidified. The initial series of photographs was captured along the renowned Paluxy River in Texas. The subsequent image, taken by the author, depicts the footprint of a large mammal, possibly a cat. According to the established evolutionary theory, mammals of this size were not present during the age of dinosaurs. Additionally, there is a well-documented controversy regarding human footprints found alongside dinosaur tracks in the same region. We will revisit this topic in a future essay. See more. Dinosaur tracks - Warner Valley Utah Dinosaur tracks - Denver Colorado Below - water ripples at the same location. Dinosaur tracks - Arches - Utah Without a doubt, the marks observed were created by various animals, some of which were larger than any species known today, while others resembled the size of a chicken. These footprints, along with numerous other trace fossils, can be found almost universally across our planet. Notably, some dinosaur footprints have been uncovered in Navajo sandstone, which is intriguing because evolutionary geologists assert that this formation is composed of desert sand, making it challenging for such large creatures to locate food. Furthermore, leaving footprints in desert sand is nearly impossible. Nevertheless, as is often the case, a solution emerged: in those specific areas where dinosaurs roamed, the sand was moist. The process of leaving footprints is quite simple—the surface on which the animal walked must be wet. One theory regarding the preservation of these footprints suggests that after they were imprinted, the ground dried, and another layer of sediment covered the footprints, filling in the impressions. Subsequently, erosion revealed the original footprints embedded in the hard rock. It is also reasonable to accept that, akin to laminated water ripples discussed in a previous essay, a similar process occurred with dinosaurs and other animal footprints—they formed in a wet environment and were later covered by an additional layer of wet mud or sand. Due to the differing silica content of the lower layer, which was typically richer, the two layers did not blend, thereby preserving the footprints beneath the surface. Thus far, we have examined ichnofossils, or trace fossils in simpler terms. In the next section of the essay, we will shift our focus to the fossils themselves. How do once-living organisms transform into fossils? One specific type of fossilization—permineralization—has led to the majority of fossils currently displayed in museums and visitor centers in national and other parks. We will reference Wikipedia, as it articulates the process in the clearest and most comprehensive manner, and we encourage readers to consult the full article on fossils. The following slideshow presents several contemporary ichnofossils, which are imprints of decayed organic material preserved within the travertine formation at Fossil Creek, Arizona. How do living organisms transform into fossils? One notable method of fossilization, known as permineralization, accounts for the majority of fossils displayed in museums and visitor centers across national parks and other locations. To better understand this process, we recommend referring to the comprehensive explanation provided by Wikipedia in their article on fossils. “Permineralization is a process of fossilization that occurs when an organism is buried. The empty spaces within an organism (spaces filled with liquid or gas during life) become filled with mineral-rich groundwater. Minerals precipitate from the groundwater, occupying the empty spaces. This process can occur in very small spaces, such as within the cell wall of a plant cell. Small scale permineralization can produce very detailed fossils. For permineralization to occur, the organism must become covered by sediment soon after death, otherwise decay commences. The degree to which the remains are decayed when covered determines the later details of the fossil. Some fossils consist only of skeletal remains or teeth; other fossils contain traces of skin, feathers or even soft tissues.” As we can see and can foresee, this type of fossilization can happen only in wet environments and only when an organism is insulted from bacterial and other forms of decay. We cannot observe or even imitate the process of fossilization in a laboratory, although it happens in some form in rich in minerals waters of geysers. Fossilization primarily occurs in wet environments and requires that organisms are protected from bacterial decay and other forms of decomposition. While we cannot directly observe or replicate the fossilization process in a laboratory setting, it does occur in mineral-rich waters, such as those found in geysers. We will present examples of once-living organisms that have been fossilized in the mud waves of the Mabul. We will then closely examine two specific cases where certain facts have been omitted from the textbooks of geology, paleontology, or paleobiology. In 2007, Professor Mary Schweitzer published her groundbreaking discovery of soft tissue in dinosaur bones. However, she faced skepticism from her colleagues in the academic community, as it was deemed impossible for collagen, red blood cells, and nearly 20 other types of soft tissue to survive for 65 million years encased in a fossilized T. rex bone. Here is a quotation from Wikipedia: “Schweitzer was the first researcher to identify and isolate soft tissues from an ancient fossil bone. The soft tissues are collagen, a connective protein. Amino acid sequencing of several samples have shown matches with the known collagens of chickens, frogs, newts and other animals. Schweitzer has also isolated organic compounds and antigenic structures in sauropod egg shells. With respect to the significance of her work, Kevin Padian, Curator of Paleontology, University of California Museum of Paleontology, has stated – ‘Chemicals that might degrade in a laboratory over a short period need not do so in a protected natural chemical environment…it’s time to readjust our thinking.’ Schweitzer previously announced similar discoveries in 1993. Since then, the claim of discovering soft tissues in ancient fossils has been disputed by some molecular biologists. Later research by Kaye published in PLoS ONE on July 30, 2008, challenged the assertion that the material found was the soft tissue of a Tyrannosaurus. However, a more recent study published in PLoS ONE in October 2010 contradicts Kaye's conclusions and supports Schweitzer's original findings. Evidence for the extraction of short segments of ancient DNA from dinosaur fossils has been reported on two separate occasions. The extraction of proteins, soft tissues, remnant cells, and organelle-like structures from dinosaur fossils has been confirmed. What is particularly fascinating about this case is that the prevailing dogma was upheld for much longer than just a few years; it persisted for over a decade. The first reports of biological material emerged in 1966, and since then, scientists from around the world have made over seventy reports of similar discoveries from various countries and locations. Here are some notable samples: - Dinosaur bone collagen; vessels from the Cretaceous, Campanian Gobi Desert, Mongolia, 1966 - Megalosaurus eggshell protein from the Jurassic, Bathonian Rognacian Formation, Southern France, 1968 - Sauropod limb hydroxyproline from the Jurassic, Kimmeridgian Morrison Formation, Colorado, 1968 - Dinosaur proteins and polysaccharides from the Cretaceous, Maastrichtian, 1974 One could argue that there is no conspiracy to conceal this information from the public, given the numerous publications reporting such discoveries. However, these publications are often circulated among a small group of specialists and rarely make their way into popular scientific magazines or broader public discussions. Until Mary Schweitzer demonstrated the presence of biological material in fossils, these discoveries were largely dismissed as contradicting the widely accepted dogma. Today, that controversy has largely dissipated, as the facts cannot be denied. However, to align with the official dogma of the evolutionary process and timeline, new explanations have been proposed. In simple terms, even if it seems impossible for soft tissue to survive over such an extended period, it has survived, likely due to the increased iron content that somehow preserved the biological material in the fossilized bone. As with any belief system, when one dogma is proven false, a new one is created. Boneyard in Dinosaur National Monument Utah - Colorado Previously, we mentioned the rock formation known as Navajo sandstone in the context of dinosaur footprints. Now, we will revisit this type of stone and once again quote from Wikipedia. “The (Navajo) sandstone was deposited in an arid erg on the Western portion of the Supercontinent Pangaea. This region was affected by annual monsoons that came about each winter when cooler winds and wind reversal occurred.” Monsoons might account for the footprints appearing in the wet sand; however, the region remains a desert, where finding any type of food would be quite challenging. During my hikes in the western deserts, I traversed mountains shaped by the erosion of Navajo sandstone. Here are my findings. In the first image, a fossil resembling a shell is visible. It is important to note that when this shell is encased in limestone, its appearance differs significantly. In this instance, the shell is mixed with sand that contains minimal lime, primarily composed of quartz grains cemented by silica, resulting in less distinct contours of the fossil. Those second set of pictures shows a different type of shell. On the third set of images we are observing sea grass leaves. One image depicts a plank or piece of wood embedded in stone, prompting the question of how it arrived in the desert, detached from its original environment. The Navajo sandstone spans 102,300 square miles and reaches thicknesses of up to 2,300 feet in certain areas. Below some other unidentified fossils found in the same in the same area. The final images showcase fossils of kelp, a type of oceanic growth typically found along the western U.S. beaches. This is how Kelp looks on the Californian beach. We invite an explanation for which terrestrial plant, whether in the desert or elsewhere, resembles kelp so closely. Otherwise, we hope that all literature, brochures, displays, and other informational materials will revise the narrative regarding the origins of Navajo sandstone from arid to wet conditions. It is noteworthy that the Navajo sandstone and the Wingate formation, located just above it, are among the few formations claimed to have developed in a dry environment, while several others remain officially controversial. Below are a few images of both Navajo and Wingate sandstone. More about Navajo sandstone in following essay.
By Matys Weiser B-H Early at night, not so long after the villagers of Huuayyaht, Cowichan and Makah went to sleep, A powerful earthquake shuddered the coastal land. Those who were able to climb to higher elevations or their villages and were high enough above the sea level, those mostly survived the cataclysm. For generations the story was told and preserved in some details till our times. Not too many hours after that event, a powerful tsunami entered villages of Tsugaruishi, Kuwagasaki and Ōtsuch. The first three villages were located on the western coast of the American continent, and three later in Japan. From the Japanese chronicles we know the exact date of the earthquake which happened thousands of miles away. It was January 26 of 1700, approximately 9.00pm of Pacific time zone. This event Is known as the Cascadia Earthquake. We also know about this and other similar events from sediment deposited by tsunami waves which in their flow picked up some material from the sea floor and perhaps some lower lands and dumped the sand and mud in other locations. Those tsunamis, although powerful and lethal were like ripples in a pond compared to the gigantic waves overflowing the continents sliding over the softer Earth’s mantle at the time of Mabul. In the first 40 days of Mabul the opened wounds of the Earth’s crust exposed hot magma which immediately was overflowed with waters from the Pangea’s rivers and lakes. From the Bible we have information about the rivers flowing on the surface of the Pangea, from Midrashic material we have evidence of other bodies of water existing on the antediluvian continent. We also hope to present evidence of such bodies of water in the future from our geological research as we hope to continue the analysis of the stromatolite fossils in the Mason county, Texas. Terrestrial waters mixed with the flood coming from the sky, after seven days of relatively light rain, rushed toward the lower elevations annihilating all life in the process. Together with life on the surface, the surface itself was stripped from the basement rock which life was originally created upon. All this material was deposited on the lower areas of the land as it is described by Jewish sages. Oceanic water filled up the cracks between masses of land drifting away, also bringing material from shallower parts of oceanic floor. If our theory about Pangea’s areas below the sea level is valid, the oceanic sediment was deposited in some areas even before land vegetation came there washed away from the heights. The other possibility for earlier marine deposits then terrestrial deposits is if ocean floor was tectonicly uplifted, water from ocean containing marine life, overflowed continents before some of terrestrial ecosystems were flooded from higher elevations or from different direction of the overflowing currents. There is no example of sedimentary rocks in the column of deposits as it is postulated by evolutionary geologists. Different areas of deposits may have different sequences of fossilized life forms, sometimes in opposite order to desired by evolutionary science. It must be pointed at this moment, that entire assessment of the ages of the rocks comes from the type of so called index fossils embedded in those rocks, in particular strata layer. The age of the fossils is assessed in turn from the type of rock that the fossils are embedded in. The circular way of thinking of those who use those methods of dating is truly ridiculous and shocking indeed. In fact there are two different geological columns worked by geologists - lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic. First reflecting more or less real position of the layers of strata and the other reflecting postulated sequence of layers according to the evolutionary advance of life forms. Since nowhere on planet Earth the entire column is present it leaves a lot of space for imagination to work in process of creating biostratigraphic column. If we put aside chemical and radioactive methods of the rock age evaluations, all is based on the general assumption that organisms looking more primitive than other must be older. The problem with this philosophy is that there is nothing primitive about even single cell organisms. Even more problems come with the fact that some fossils of so called sophisticated, i.e. evolutionary advanced organisms are being found together in the strata supposedly representing the early stages of evolution. We hope to come back with examples of such deposits sometime in the future. The biggest problem with strata layers for evolutionist, is the fact that even in general, sections representing supposedly early ages, are overlaying deposits from supposedly late periods of depositions. One of such examples is the Chief Mountain in Glacier National Park in Montana, where Algonkian limestone containing Precambrian “primitive” creature Beltina Danai, is resting on the top of Cretaceous strata which supposedly formed after the dinosaur extinction. Cretaceous represents much more sophisticated life forms and as such it is impossible for this layer to be deposited before the so called Cambrian explosion, if there would be any value in evolutionists dating methods. Another example of misplaced strata is Heart Mountain on the eastern edges of Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. Here in turn, post Cambrian Paleozoic strata which dating starts supposedly 500.000.000 years ago, lays on the top of Eocene deposits which are “only” 60.000.000 years old. Needless to say, as in the previous case, Paleozoic fossils represent “unsophisticated“ forms of life while Eocene fossils contain basically ecosystems known to exist in some areas of the Earth today. First of all, as it was pointed, there is nothing primitive about the lifeforms considered as primitive. Many if not most of those organisms are present in our environment and complexity of those organisms require much faith to belief that they spontaneously emerged from primordial aminoacidic soup. The Second challenge for those who share this kind of belief, is the sheer fact of misplaced strata. Those two cases represent the most profound and accessible examples of what is called in the evolutionary geology – overthrust strata. It is possible that mass of land with older deposits was pushed on the top of the younger deposits at the second half year of the Mabul when the fragments of drifting earth crust were colliding, up-warded and perhaps over thrust in catastrophic process. If this is the case of two above examples is still subject of fuhrer investigation. Another issue is the Eocene strata postulated by creationist geology as postdiluvian. However in our mind, it is possible that some Eocene and Tertiary in general, ecosystems were fossilized before Mesozoic and even Paleozoic layers were deposited. B-H we will come back to this topic. The story of the Mabul preserved in memory of the Jewish people explains the geological layers in a way much closer to common sense. Yes, there is an element of supernatural, but we don’t deny it. In part explicitly, in part as logical consequence, much of the geological strata as it can be observed covering almost 80% of the earth on the surface of land and shallower parts of the sea, can be explained as remnants of the deposition of life forms, mud, sand, volcanic ash and basalt, by the cataclysm of the Mabul - global flood. We also can not forget, that even at the time of the creative work of six days, when so called laws of nature were in process being established, even then - land emerged from the water. Vast majority of sedimentary, most of Precambrian rocks, have no fossils whatsoever, and thus can be and most probably is, a result of the third day of Maasey Beraishis - Creation. In the essay on the page “Chazal on Mabul”, we documented that the climate of the antediluvian world was much better for all forms of life. Allowing 6 feet long centipedes, oversized nonflying birds, oversized flying creatures, large animals which some of them are still represented in postdiluvian ecosystem to exist, and some extinct before or after the Mabul. The size of man was also much bigger as it is stated in the words of the Scriptures and Oral Tradition. Man’s remains did not survive the dissolving waters of the Mabul. Fossils of other organisms are represented in many layers of strata, sometimes together with also fossilized biological environment characteristic for those animals. Other animal fossils are embedded in the mud or sand which has no trace of a sustainable environment allowing those animals to feed. As the Mabul began, some animals were killed in its first stages, almost immediately. Some other, more mobile animals instinctively moved to higher positions avoiding the first waves of the Mabul. I-H, we will follow their footsteps, quite literally, in the following essay. The Biological mass which flowed toward the lower elevations and perhaps geographical depressions, was covered by other layers of sedimentary deposits. Some of this material, depending on the content and conditions in their enclosures, was transformed to crude oil. In other places, rich in vegetation tropical forests, some of them floating forests, became lignite and coal deposits. B-H coal deposits will be topic of dedicated post. Turbulent waves described by the Jewish sources brought a muddy or sandy material from different directions. Most of the times that direction was the same as the direction in which continent or island was drifting toward. If that material was rich in lime from marine creatures, it became limestone. Some of the limestone was grinded so fine that no trace of the original material was left, some other limestones are filled up with shells, crinoids, sponges and other distinguishable marine creatures. video Some of the limestone under further pressure and heat became metamorphic rock known to us as marble. I don't know at this moment if marble is metamorphosed from Precambrian or later deposited lime stones. Layers of limestone are divided in different locations by layers of sandstone and other deposits cemented or not, depending on the content of silica. The fact that layers of limestone are divided shows us that the tsunami waves containing marine life come more than once, bringing marine life from different oceanic areas of vegetation and other marine organisms. As today, types of marine life are depending mostly on the depth of the water which it thrives in, as well as other factors creating different zones of fauna and flora in the seas. Even as the climate on the land was warmer and moderate, we can expect the same variety of vegetation and animal zones within Pangea. The content of this life is also reflected in the fossils. In some places, the sedimentary deposits are several miles thick. Only approximately 20% of the contemporary surface of the land is stripped from the original soil and new vegetation if it is growing in those areas, created a new thin layer of soils. There are six basic components of the sedimentary strata. Antediluvian life forms. Antediluvian soil. Grinded underling rock - sedimentary or igneous. Oceanic sand deposits with oceanic life forms. Volcanic rock. Volcanic ash. The last one came in different forms. From contemporary volcanic activity, we can safely assume that most of the volcanic ash comes in the form of pyroclastic clouds associated with volcanic explosions. Most of this ash is deposited in the close vicinity of volcanoes, but some in the form of dust, can travel around the planet several times depending on the power of the explosion and winds. This dust is deposited as it travels. At time of the Mabul, we are not talking about the ordinary volcano as we know it from historic records, we have to picture the planet Earth spewing its inner content in an amount allowing to create miles thick deposits. Some of this dust was caught and mixed with the falling rain, some of it fell on the surface after the rain ceased, some of the deposits were washed away and dumped again in the places away from the original deposition. In the Grand Canyon of the Colorado river, we may observe more than mile of such deposits and those are only layering up to Mesozoic rocks which contain much less than half of the Mabul deposits. Most of the original deposits above the Grand Canyon were washed away at the last stages of the Mabul, at the time when the uplifting of the mountain chains took place. In this particular case it was uplifting of the Kaibab Plateau which the Colorado river cuts through, forming one of the greatest spectacles of nature. The Grand Canyon exposes us on the grand scale to one of the phenomena’s that can be only explain by the Mabul. If we observe the layer of the Coconino sandstone which is easily distinguishable as the second to top layer on the South rim of the Canyon and as a third from the top on the North side, we may notice something strange. Coconino sandstone gradually descending from the height of almost 9000 feet a.s.l. to the height of some 5000 f.a.s.l. without other fracture besides the Canyon itself. There is not a known mechanism allowing solid rock to bend in such a way that the rock is not fractured in the process of tectonic movements. In other words, stone cannot be bend. What can be bend however Is stone before it becomes a solid. In case of volcanic lava, it is the heat factor that makes stone flexible. But clay for example is soft when it contains moisture and is insulated from air. All kind of cement can become solid under different conditions including insolation from the air and in constant moisture. Coconino limestone is not only an example of wet deposition which under the pressure of tectonic movements rock was bent and solidified after this action. Below we present other examples of such curving including a layer of clay with visible water ripples curved some 270’. Below we present a collection of photographic material depicting water ripples cast in time, from various locations in the continental US. All of the pictures were taken by the author. Petrified water ripples - Route 2 Montana Petrified water ripples - Glacier National Park - Montana Petrified water ripples - Kootenay Falls - Idaho Petrified water ripples - Route 93 south of Salmon - Idaho Petrified water ripples - Katerskill Falls - New York
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