Dinosaur footprint - Paluxy River Texas
By Matys Weiser B-H
Mabul –Flood - This project is a solo undertaking, but it is not only the author of this website who Is involved in this project.
My insufficient Jewish education doesn’t allow me to look and translate all the sources that will be used on this website, but living for decades in an environment of Talmidei Chachamim – Sages of Talmud, as well as consulting my son who also belongs to this category, allows me to search in the depths of this topic in the sources written throughout Jewish History.
The prime source of information about the global flood – Mabul – the destruction comes of course from the first book of the Bible – The First Book of Moses. In the sixth chapter of the book Sefer Beraishis, Parshas Noach, humanity learns about the major event in history of the planet, a catastrophe of planetary proportions which results a major effect on our environment till this day.
I-H we will post a collection of translations of the original biblical account of events followed by the basic commentaries on the topic, taken from Rashi, Ramban and others. Then we will take a look at what is recorded about those events in our Oral tradition – Torah SheBeAlPe. We will begin from Midrashic literature of Medrysh Rabba and Talmud and will end with the commentaries of the Rishoynim and Acharoynim.
It is common knowledge that the memory of the Flood or floods is preserved in history and culture of almost all the nations of the world. Some of those stories are closer to the Biblical account and some describe events that happened hundreds of years after the Global Flood of Noach. Some of those events are also described in Jewish post Biblical literature as well as in the accounts of the nations around the globe. It should be self-understood that since those multiple events took place in different parts of the globe, those accounts are differing from one another.
The biggest part of this work will be scientific material describing the process that took place in the year of the Mabul as well as geological and climate events that happened centuries after the Flood. We will take a look from two major perspectives in the scientific observation and the interpretations of those observation. Living in the Western World it is almost impossible not to be aware of the Darwinian theory of evolution. Even individuals attending schools where this theory is not being thought are exposed to those ideas when visiting museums and natural wonders. We all hear about millions of years not only in the Museum of Natural History or The Smithsonian Institute, but also visiting the Grand Canyon or even the caverns of Pennsylvania, Virginia or New York. B-H, I will do my best to provide every father and educator with the material repudiating this kind of dating and the general approach.
More common with our own perception of the history is Scientific Creationism. Unfortunately, this stream of science is rejected not only by the evolutionist scientific community but also, by many of our own religious leaders. In my understanding mostly due to the fact that Creationism comes from the religious circles of the religion responsible for huge amount of persecutions and suffering of the Jewish Nation. I suspect that for that reason even this work may be at least controversial, rejected or even fought as it will be in progress, but B-H I’m not afraid of controversy. Controversy is not the reason of this work and if proven wrong, I have no problem to adjust and change my view.
The fact that all this work will be published on the website and not in a printed form will allow me to make the necessary adjustments not only coming from my own possible mistakes but also from the fact that new discoveries are being made, in science as well as my own. For example, In my first works on this topic which was written for commercial purposes of my touring business and is posted on this website, I write that there is no biological material preserved in the Diluvian fossils. At the time, as I was not aware of the work of Professor Mary Schweitzer which was just a few years earlier, she had discovered such tissue in the bones of dinosaurs remains. When I wrote my booklet, those discoveries were hardly published if at all.
These kinds of new discoveries may necessitate changes in the content of this work, and as it was said, flexibility of the website is very beneficial for that reason. I also hope that as this website may became more popular, I will be provided with some more obscure Jewish sources on the topic from the public.
I mentioned my own discoveries and those are real. I’m quite sure that as result of them some books will be rewritten as well as many information boards will be changed in popular places of visit. Not for the first time such boards must be replaced as a result of new discoveries or just a closer look at evidence in plain view, but somehow missed by evolutionist researchers. We will describe a few of such examples where the conflict between dogma of evolutionist interpretation was abandoned when facts were presented in an undeniable way.
This website will contain enormous photographic material. Where it will be necessary to use maps, graphics or pictures which are beyond our technical ability, so we will use material available on the internet. Most of the pictures however will be our own material, result of extensive travels, miles driven on the dirt roads and walked through the mountains and deserts. In the places where I can find not only my Creator’s Fingerprints but also Himself.
I hope that after visiting this website you will find path to Him a little bit easier.
Mabul –Flood - This project is a solo undertaking, but it is not only the author of this website who Is involved in this project.
My insufficient Jewish education doesn’t allow me to look and translate all the sources that will be used on this website, but living for decades in an environment of Talmidei Chachamim – Sages of Talmud, as well as consulting my son who also belongs to this category, allows me to search in the depths of this topic in the sources written throughout Jewish History.
The prime source of information about the global flood – Mabul – the destruction comes of course from the first book of the Bible – The First Book of Moses. In the sixth chapter of the book Sefer Beraishis, Parshas Noach, humanity learns about the major event in history of the planet, a catastrophe of planetary proportions which results a major effect on our environment till this day.
I-H we will post a collection of translations of the original biblical account of events followed by the basic commentaries on the topic, taken from Rashi, Ramban and others. Then we will take a look at what is recorded about those events in our Oral tradition – Torah SheBeAlPe. We will begin from Midrashic literature of Medrysh Rabba and Talmud and will end with the commentaries of the Rishoynim and Acharoynim.
It is common knowledge that the memory of the Flood or floods is preserved in history and culture of almost all the nations of the world. Some of those stories are closer to the Biblical account and some describe events that happened hundreds of years after the Global Flood of Noach. Some of those events are also described in Jewish post Biblical literature as well as in the accounts of the nations around the globe. It should be self-understood that since those multiple events took place in different parts of the globe, those accounts are differing from one another.
The biggest part of this work will be scientific material describing the process that took place in the year of the Mabul as well as geological and climate events that happened centuries after the Flood. We will take a look from two major perspectives in the scientific observation and the interpretations of those observation. Living in the Western World it is almost impossible not to be aware of the Darwinian theory of evolution. Even individuals attending schools where this theory is not being thought are exposed to those ideas when visiting museums and natural wonders. We all hear about millions of years not only in the Museum of Natural History or The Smithsonian Institute, but also visiting the Grand Canyon or even the caverns of Pennsylvania, Virginia or New York. B-H, I will do my best to provide every father and educator with the material repudiating this kind of dating and the general approach.
More common with our own perception of the history is Scientific Creationism. Unfortunately, this stream of science is rejected not only by the evolutionist scientific community but also, by many of our own religious leaders. In my understanding mostly due to the fact that Creationism comes from the religious circles of the religion responsible for huge amount of persecutions and suffering of the Jewish Nation. I suspect that for that reason even this work may be at least controversial, rejected or even fought as it will be in progress, but B-H I’m not afraid of controversy. Controversy is not the reason of this work and if proven wrong, I have no problem to adjust and change my view.
The fact that all this work will be published on the website and not in a printed form will allow me to make the necessary adjustments not only coming from my own possible mistakes but also from the fact that new discoveries are being made, in science as well as my own. For example, In my first works on this topic which was written for commercial purposes of my touring business and is posted on this website, I write that there is no biological material preserved in the Diluvian fossils. At the time, as I was not aware of the work of Professor Mary Schweitzer which was just a few years earlier, she had discovered such tissue in the bones of dinosaurs remains. When I wrote my booklet, those discoveries were hardly published if at all.
These kinds of new discoveries may necessitate changes in the content of this work, and as it was said, flexibility of the website is very beneficial for that reason. I also hope that as this website may became more popular, I will be provided with some more obscure Jewish sources on the topic from the public.
I mentioned my own discoveries and those are real. I’m quite sure that as result of them some books will be rewritten as well as many information boards will be changed in popular places of visit. Not for the first time such boards must be replaced as a result of new discoveries or just a closer look at evidence in plain view, but somehow missed by evolutionist researchers. We will describe a few of such examples where the conflict between dogma of evolutionist interpretation was abandoned when facts were presented in an undeniable way.
This website will contain enormous photographic material. Where it will be necessary to use maps, graphics or pictures which are beyond our technical ability, so we will use material available on the internet. Most of the pictures however will be our own material, result of extensive travels, miles driven on the dirt roads and walked through the mountains and deserts. In the places where I can find not only my Creator’s Fingerprints but also Himself.
I hope that after visiting this website you will find path to Him a little bit easier.
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